Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dear Awesome Soldier,

First of all, I would like to say, I think that what you and every other soldier is doing for our country is really awesome. I really respect what you guys are doing for us and I really, really appreciate it. I respect you guys for doing what you're doing for us because I know it takes a strong person to do what you're doing. So thank you.
Last month at the CMA awards Taylor Swift took home a lot of awards and I was really proud of her for that because I think she's a great singer. Plus, I think that what Kanye West did at the VMA's was a really crappy thing to do to her so I'm glad she got all she deserved at the CMAs. At the CMA's they even did a little "reenactment" of what happened and Kanye's part was played by a little tiny OLD man. It was extremely funny and really cute.
So, Obama's president... I'm sure you know that. I think he's okay. I don;t know yet though, we'll see. Also, I think Sarah Palin is hilariously stupid but I don't really like her that much.
I'd like to say Merry Christmas and happy holidays. I really hope that you will have a good holiday season and stay safe.
So, once again thank you very much. Stay safe.


1 comment:

Edgar(Danny) said...

Pretty cool letter, nice and thoughtful.