Thursday, February 25, 2010

What I Learned While Reading Life of Pi

I've learned all kinds of things from this book. I've learned about tigers and hyenas, different religions, how to try and survive while stuck in the middle of the ocean, and lots of other things.
I didn't know that hyenas were so mean, they're extremely mean and after reading all about them in Life of Pi I don't want to ever go anywhere near them. They're obnoxious big ole dogs.
I've always thought tigers were awesome, big cuddly cats, and are extremely beautiful, but the book showed me the real version of them rather than my fairy tale version. Tigers are big ferocious animals who can tear you to shreds in a matter of seconds and they're extremely predatorial.
I like how the book shows how Pi has three different religions and teaches a little about each of them. It's cool how Pi merged all the religions he believed in.
I learned a lot from Life of Pi, but I can't really write it down because my mind doesn't want to think about anything right now.


I thought that the texting while driving video was more effective. I thought it was pretty dramatic, but it left an impact.
I personally like the seatbelt video better because it's simple and straight to the point. I like it because it's something everyone usually skips doing while they're in their cars. It makes you think about everything you would lose if you were to die because you weren't wearing your seatbelt.
Both videos are very good and I think both are pretty informational and should make people think before they text and drive or don't wear a seatbelt.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Collaboration Post.

Prompt: Write about five things you would do to entertain yourself if you did not see a soul for seven days.

Being alone for so long can get a bit boring, but if you were to make me be alone for that long, I would most certainly find some ways to entertain myself. Depending on the house you're in, you would have different things to choose from to do. If you were in your own house, you would be comfortable and know what your options are, but if you were to be in a house full of entertaining things like games systems or movies there would be a lot of things to explore.
So lets start with the entertaining house. I would make sure that if I were alone for seven days I would have all I wanted to keep me from getting bored. Number one on my list, gaming systems. I'm a gamer, so I play video games a lot. Number two, a movie room. Who doesn't like movie right? I'd make sure I have a big screen tv and a suround sound system for a better sounding movie. Number three, a bowling ally. I would have such a great time making a fool of myself since I don't know how to bowl. I can see it now, I'm getting ready to throw the ball, and BAM! I fall forward and face plant. Number four, an arcade room. I would have classic games to modern ones. I could go for hours playing Pac-Man and Dig-Dug. They are some of my favorite classic games. And finally number five, I would have a room with mechanical parts to build myself a robot. There are umlimited possilities, but the first thing I would do with it would be to have a light saber duel, although, I'm not sure how that would work out.
If I were alone for seven days in my own house, I would definitely find stuff for me to do or else, I would probably die of boredum. First of all, I would find a good book that I haven't gotten a chance to read yet and enjoy it. I would try to read it slowly because it would take more of my time up. Then, I would do some of the stuff that I've been procrastinating about, like hanging up some pictures, doing the laundry, and finishing up any homework that I've left undone. For the third thing, I would go find some of those puzzles that are hidden somewhere in my house and try putting them together. Those would probably take me quite some time because I suck at puzzles. Then, I would go and play some of my video games and watch some movies, because that would keep me occupied and get my mind off being so alone. The fifth and final thing I would do, would be cleaning the entire house top to botttom with music blaring in the background. That would take a LONG time and would most certainly keep me busy and since there would be music, I'd have some fun while doing it.

Obviously this was written by two different people so please bare with us if this sounds odd.
The end.

Written by Danny and Jessica.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Advice for Teachers

- Make whatever you teach more fun. Everyone likes things when they're more fun and interesting. If your teaching and having fun while you're doing it, I'm almost positive that the kids you're teaching will react in the same way.

- Don't give lectures. Unless you want to bore everyone to death and make us feel like you're talking AT us rather than TO us, don't give lectures. Lectures are never fun, but if there i no other way to teach us then try to get the students to participate with you while you're teaching.

- Treat us with respect. We're people to and we like our views on things to be heard. If we think of something important enough to say while you're teaching, let us say our piece about it and move on. Nobody likes it when the teacher won't let anyone express their own thoughts and opinions on the matter at hand. Usually when a teacher respects the students, the students respect the teacher back.

- If there is any debate on the topic being taught let all the students debate (not argue) about it and let them hear each others point of view. It makes people more comfortable knowing that some people in the room share their views.

- Share things about yourself. The students like to hear about your life too (just not ALL the time) because it makes them feel more comfortable to be around you. It makes the teacher seem more normal to them and not like some strange adult telling them what to do.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine's Day Limericks

There once was a woman
who fell in love with a roman
he was so smitten
he gave her a mitten
and she said dang man!

I met a guy named Steve
We went out on Valentines Day eve
He told me good-bye
and told me to get some shut-eye
For the next day he had to leave

There was a man who helped kidnap
a woman by hitting her in the knee-cap
He did not want to be alone on Valentines Day
but he was happy and gay and did not delay
letting her go on her way with a map and boot-straps.

There was a guy with a rose
who liked writing prose
He wrote about a lady
and called her an old bitty
and he got hit on the nose.

Today is the day
people go and say
I love you dear
and want to hold you near
for it's Valentines Day.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Life Changing Experience.

I don't know if this counts, but here goes...

My brother was heavily involved in drug throughout his teenage years. It got him all messed up in school, he lost a ton of weight, had a bad attitude, hung out with the wrong people, and generally was doing terrible. As I watched him go though all these things it has influenced me not to do any drugs.
A lot of my family members are alcoholics who's livers are going through hell and other health problems. I see them gradually growing worse and drinking more while their kids look on worried and scared because they just won't stop.
Because of this, I would never want to put anyone through what my family and I have gone through by doing drugs or drinking so now I loathe even the thought of doing drugs/drinking and I never want to do it.
I don't mind if other people do it, it's your decision and I won't judge you for it. That's just my personal belief. A lot of people I know and some of the people I respect drink and stuff and it doesn't bug me, just don't expect me to join you because it's just not anything I would want to do.