Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Prepositional Phrases.

In the middle of Missouri, about halfway between Branson and Springfield, is the quiet town of Crane. Over hills, down the old Main Street, and through the one stop light in town, lies my dad's quaint little house. If you go through the hall, down the stairs to the basement, and take a sharp left there is my favorite place. Sitting there among the rows and rows of old records and books, music floating throughout the air and before the fireplace, nothing could be better.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Some of my most memorable teachers that created somewhat of a "spark" in me are my second grade teacher Mrs. Boone, my fifth grade teacher Mrs. Deas, my eighth grade art teacher Mrs. Bromley as well as some others.

Mrs. Boone was my second grade teacher at my elementary school in Alabama. She was always one of my favorites and I liked her a lot. She was one of the first teachers who noticed that I had a higher than normal reading level (I had a twelfth grade reading level) and always encouraged me to read more difficult books which I gladly did. I also remember that that was when I started liking math. I LOVED math back in elementary/middle school and that's when it started. She always used to brag about me to other teachers and it always made me feel good about myself.

Mrs. Deas was my fifth grade teacher was also always supporting my reading and math too. She would always let me go to the library even though I had gone the day before, and the day before that, and the day before that, and so on. (Yeah, I went everyday.) Eventually I became one of the top readers in the whole school. (Only ten points behind first place.) Since I was really good at math as well she convinced me to join the math team (that she ran) and we went and had competitions and stuff. So, that made me like math even more.

My art teacher Mrs. Bromley was the most eccentric, creative, and awesome-est teacher I have ever had. She always made sure that the kids loved whatever it was we were doing and made us understand artists better and would always come up with the coolest projects. I liked her a lot. I had her for two years in a row and would have loved to have her for another. She was awesome.

Looking back on all this I am realizing how much of a little dork I was am.
I don't think I'd change it though.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Nicknames.

I've had plenty of nicknames over the years especially the generic ones that come with my name being Jessica like Jess, Jesse, and other variations. Those all just came from my name (as you can tell) and all of my friends have called me that at one time or another.
One of the not-so-ordinary nicknames that I now have is Jessimandiffer. I know, it's extremely long and weird, but I got it because when I first met one of my friends (whose really bad at remembering names) they couldn't remember my name so they kept calling me Amanda, Jennifer, and occasionally my actual name. So the rest of my friends told him just to call me Jessimandiffer then he's always be just a little bit right. So, that's why I have that one.
Another nickname (that isn't that much of a nickname) is JesEcA, it's weird. I don't even know how that one really came about, but they just spelled my name like that ALL the time and since I didn't really mind, they just kept on doing it.
I have a zillion of other nicknames but I would rather not write about them because that could go on forever and ever and ever and ever. I don't ever usually mind it when people call me something different (unless it's mean or something bad) so usually when someone gives me a new nickname I am pretty much indifferent about it.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Being a Braggart.

What am I good at?? hmmm... gotta think...
I'm pretty good a math. I think it's pretty easy and I don't really have that much trouble doing it. It's one of my best subjects and always has been. Because I'm good at math I am pretty good at accounting too which I think will be my career when I get older.
Oh, I'm pretty good at memorizing stuff right before I have to take a test on it too. Like, in french last year, I never studied but right before the tests I would look over everything real quick and get A's on the tests.
I'm good at reading. I love reading. I actually stayed up extremely late last night because I was so into one of Stephen King's books called "Salem's Lot" (So far, it's really good.). I am pretty good at answering the questions to do with reading too. For example, I've always scored really high on the reading part of standardized tests like the SAT and the FCAT.
I am good at keeping my head on straight and I don't let other stuff influence my opinions about things. I form my own opinions based on my own beliefs.
I'm pretty good at giving advice. Although if you ask me for it, be prepared for a pretty straight-forward answer because if you come to me to hear my opinion/advice then I will give you a completely honest answer.
I'm also pretty good at breathing. I like to think that I'm pretty much an expert at it really. I mean, I have been doing it all my life.
I'm good at listening and being respectful towards people. I think that your respect is one of the most important things you can give someone. I like to be respected and I'm sure other people do too.
Speaking of computers, I am pretty good at using them and doing all kinds of stuff on them. I'm not a genius at it but, I'm pretty good with them.