Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Who's my hero?

I don't really have a hero. I do have many people who have influenced me and who I respect a lot and people who I look up to though, so that's who I am writing about.
One of the people I respect is Mrs. Dominis. She has been one of my teachers for all four years of high school and I have learned a lot from her. She's a really nice person and a fun teacher.
Another person I respect a lot is my brother. He's not really a good influence or anything, but after not doing good in high school and eventually dropping out and moving out, he's got a good job and just recently got promoted. I respect him because after all the stupid things he has done he's trying to be a better brother and he's really trying to better himself.
Another person I respect a lot would have to be Mrs. Ladd. (No, I'm not sucking up. [=) She's one of my favorite teachers and I've learned more from her than I have ever learned from a teacher before. I like how she runs her class and lets the students add their input if they want to instead of just talking at us. I know I personally don't really talk that much in class but that's just because I would rather listen to other people. Anyway, I like Mrs. Ladd a lot. She's awesome.
Another person is an author named Christopher Gutierrez. He is a straight-forward, nice, awesome, hardcore person. He's not very well known, but I like his point of view and his morals and all that stuff about him. He has been through a whole lot of crap throughout his life and managed to come out a good dude. I respect that in a person.
I also respect people who are more outgoing and people who don't have a problem going up in front of the class. I have terrible stage fright so, I respect anybody who is capable of getting up there without getting all scared like I do.

Monday, November 16, 2009

My first i-Movie

My first i-movie was on the artist Banksy. While making the movie, I learned where my artist was from and a lot of new things about him that I hadn't known before. He is from Bristol, UK and has done a lot more art then I knew that he had done. I discovered a lot more of his works that are pretty famous that I didn't know he had done either. He did that monkeys in congress picture that I like a lot and I've always thought that it was pretty cool as well as the two grandma's making sweaters that say "Thug for Life" and "Punk's not Dead". I like how a lot of his work is extremely controversial like for instance one of his graffiti paintings in one of the southern states (like Alabama or something) was of a Ku Klux Klan member hanging from a noose. Things like those I think are pretty cool and sometimes funny like the one he did of a window with a man hanging off the ledge and "inside" the window was a man looking for the guy hanging off the window ledge and the woman looking over her husbands shoulder with a worried look on her face. That one is a pretty famous painting.

As I was making the movie, I discovered a lot of things that I hadn't known how to do before like adding pictures, words, and music. I thought that adding the pictures was extremely easy. Just click and drag. But, I had to go for help to add the text because I am apparently blind and didn't see the little "T" that you're supposed to click to get to the text thingy. The music was pretty easy to do too except for the fact that there isn't very much to choose from. If I could change that about the computers than I would most definitely get more music for us kids to choose from. I thought that everything was pretty simple once we learned how to do it and I am pretty sure that I will remember how to do it for future use.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Economy Sucks.

Lately the economy has been effecting my family a lot. Back in June, my mom was laid off from her job as well as a bunch of other people. She has been looking for another job since then but no one has been hiring nurses anywhere so we've been relying on my mothers husband for him to pay for stuff and everything. But anyway, because of that, we haven't been able to pay for a lot of extra things and had to get our cell phones turned off. I don't go to the movies anymore (I used to go basically every weekend) and we're probably behind on a lot of our bills. I don't really know though because my mom likes to pretend that everything is just great but that's okay. I know that we're not doing to good, I'm not retarded.
My dad has been trying to send me some money (he lives in Missouri) when he can, but he's in college right now (he went back to be a history teacher) so they don't have tons of extra money either.
I also highly doubt that i'll be going to grad night and a lot of the things that are going to be going on this year.
Since it's getting around to be christmas time I usually get really excited. Not for presents for myself, but for everyone else. I usually go and buy presents for my "second family" (they're really just my best friends parents and her brothers, but they treat me like I'm another one of their kids) and I like doing that a lot but I won't be able to do that this year either. But, I'm not going to complain.
Well, I will kind of, not about the money or anything. But, I seriously wish she would get a job because she spends way to much time at home and is driving me nuts! She gets bored and comes and bugs me while I'm doing homework and stuff and it's really annoying.

I've been trying to find a job myself lately. I've applied at mostly fast food places and stuff but once again, nobody has really been hiring. So, if you know where anyone is hiring let me know.

I don't like talking about family stuff, so I'm going to stop now. =]

Monday, November 9, 2009

The evil in Lady Macbeth.

I think that the most evil person in Macbeth would have to be Lady Macbeth. She is seriously evil and maniacal.
I know Macbeth was the one who thought about killing Duncan first, but who hasn't thought "Oh my god, I wish I could kill (insert name here) "? Poor Macbeth is really just a gullible fool. Lady Macbeth is the evil one because she actually talked him into killing Duncan when she should have been the one who was talking him out of killing the man. In a way she reminds me of Charles Manson because he never actually killed people but convinced them to do it for him. She's also been the one influencing Macbeth and making sure he doesn't spill the beans so that just adds to her evil-ness.
She also doesn't feel any guilt for her part in the murder and I think that that's just ridiculous. I know that if I played some part in killing someone (even just a teeny-tiny part) I would feel extremely guilty and would eventually end up telling on myself.

(I couldn't really get interested in this blog topic so if I ended up writing anymore it would just be more rambling nonsense...)