Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Economy Sucks.

Lately the economy has been effecting my family a lot. Back in June, my mom was laid off from her job as well as a bunch of other people. She has been looking for another job since then but no one has been hiring nurses anywhere so we've been relying on my mothers husband for him to pay for stuff and everything. But anyway, because of that, we haven't been able to pay for a lot of extra things and had to get our cell phones turned off. I don't go to the movies anymore (I used to go basically every weekend) and we're probably behind on a lot of our bills. I don't really know though because my mom likes to pretend that everything is just great but that's okay. I know that we're not doing to good, I'm not retarded.
My dad has been trying to send me some money (he lives in Missouri) when he can, but he's in college right now (he went back to be a history teacher) so they don't have tons of extra money either.
I also highly doubt that i'll be going to grad night and a lot of the things that are going to be going on this year.
Since it's getting around to be christmas time I usually get really excited. Not for presents for myself, but for everyone else. I usually go and buy presents for my "second family" (they're really just my best friends parents and her brothers, but they treat me like I'm another one of their kids) and I like doing that a lot but I won't be able to do that this year either. But, I'm not going to complain.
Well, I will kind of, not about the money or anything. But, I seriously wish she would get a job because she spends way to much time at home and is driving me nuts! She gets bored and comes and bugs me while I'm doing homework and stuff and it's really annoying.

I've been trying to find a job myself lately. I've applied at mostly fast food places and stuff but once again, nobody has really been hiring. So, if you know where anyone is hiring let me know.

I don't like talking about family stuff, so I'm going to stop now. =]

1 comment:

Edgar(Danny) said...

It sucks for some, but for others it's going better than ever.