Friday, October 30, 2009

"What's up with your attendance?"

I figured that now would be a good time to tell everyone why i've been missing so much school recently.
About a week or two ago my mom had gotten the swine flu and was put into the hospital because of it and wasn't doing to good. The doctors told me that I shouldn't go to school because I could give other people the swine flu even though I didn't have it myself. So, I missed a whole week of school.
Then, last Monday at like 2:30 a.m. I woke up with an extremely high fever (over 103) and was shaking violently because of that. I seriously couldn't stop shaking. It was terrible so my mom ended up taking me into the emergency room (where I sat for 6 hours) and the doctor told me that I had a viral infection and sent me on my way, not giving me any medicine or anything, telling me not to go to school until I had a follow-up appointment. My follow-up wasn't until Monday so I was extremely sick for the rest of the week and basically slept the entire time. Then on top of all that crap for some reason my nose decided that it would just start bleeding for no reason at all until it felt like it should stop. I had 3 nosebleeds and each probably lasted about 15 minutes. It freaking sucked.
So I made it until Monday and went to the doctor and my mom told him all that was wrong with me and immediately put me on Tamiflu, which is the treatment for the swine flu, and told me not to go to school for two more days.
The medicine sucks. It makes me loopy and drowsy and when it starts kicking in I turn all red and feel like I have a fever. Not to mention even thinking about swallowing pills makes me want to gag. I seriously hate it.
So, that's what's up with my attendance.


Swanson said...

Wow! You've had quite a time. You must have been very scared when your mom was in the hospital and then to get so sick yourself. Hopefully you've recovered.

Jessica Crawford said...

I have recovered and I am extremely glad that I have.

Anonymous said...

Glad you're better, and so's your mom!