Thursday, December 17, 2009

Why doesn't Christmas ever feel like Christmas here?

Image taken from google images.

Ever since I have moved here it never feels like Christmas. Maybe it's just me, but I was used to was a nice cold Christmas-y feeling around this time of year. But, here I wouldn't know it was Christmas time if I didn't know the date.
Not very many people get into the Christmas spirit here either and that's part of the problem. Nobody does really anything, there aren't very many houses with Christmas lights up and there aren't very many people that give a dang.
I know that there are parades and parties and that kind of stuff, but not many people participate. I myself went to the boat parade where they decorate them with lights and have santa riding with them and then I went to the Festival of lights down on Old Main Street. There is also a church right down the road that does a really good Christmas thing that you drive through and look at all the stuff. It was really cool.
Another part of the problem would be the weather. Seriously, can't the climate just say, "Hey it's Christmas time over there in Florida. Let's cool it down a little."
I think that the economy probably has helped people get out of the Christmas spirit some as well because a lot of people can't afford to buy any presents and they can't really afford to do all the Christmas things. It sucks.
I used to love Christmas a lot, but now, I don't even think that much of it.

I didn't say there wasn't ANY Christmas spirit going on, I just meant that there isn't that much.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

WOO! I won money!

If I were to win 100,000 dollars and had to give half of it to charity, I would give half to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital to help them try to find a way to cure all the little kids that are in there. They deserve some because of all that they are doing to help the little kids who don't deserve being there.

With my half of the money I would buy me a good car (not a new one), buy me a laptop, and some new clothes, and then put the rest away for whatever I may need it for in the future. I would probably spend the rest of it on college if I needed to or I would save it up for when I move out of my mom's house so I have enough money.
That's all I'd spend it on cause I don't know what else to do with it.

Monday, December 7, 2009

What Bugs Me...

I'm usually bugged more by little things than I am about the big stuff. Like food noises, people "jittering", and people talking obnoxiously loud during class.
I absolutely loathe food noises. They annoy and disgust me more than anything. The sound just makes me cringe and I just want to smack the person silly. What bugs me more though is when they're making food noises and I ask them to stop and they do it even more. When they do that I just want to stab them with a fork or something.
Another thing that bugs me is when someone is sitting next to me and they're shaking they're leg non-stop and shaking everything else around them too, or when they bang on top of the table (what they call "drumming"), or drag they're feet while walking. There is this kid in my economics class that constantly shakes and makes the whole table shake and it annoys me so much that a lot of the time I can hardly pay attention. The "drumming" thing is really annoying too but it's especially annoying when their drumming sucks. When people drag their feet and it makes that noise, that also really bugs me.
Another thing that bugs me is when people are talking obnoxiously loud during class when people are trying to pay attention because I actually want to know what's going on so I can do well in whatever class it is I'm in. In my economics class it's a bunch of (not smart) kids in there and they're always talking over the teacher.
I hate being ignored, talked down to, or when I'm trying to explain something the other person just says "whatever" and dismisses what I'm saying. That drives me crazy because it makes me feel like whatever it is that I'm saying isn't important. But most of the time if I do that back to the person they get all annoyed at me and that bugs me even more because if they can do it to me then why can't I do it to them?
Oh, stupid people bug me too. You know, the ones who are always asking the dumbest questions and just being overly obnoxious.
It also bugs me when people are listening to music in their cars but its turned up so loud that you can hear it a block away. How the heck can they even hear what they're listening to? They've got to be deaf after all that noise. Just listen to it at a reasonable level. Jeeze.
All in all, a lot of things bug me.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dear Awesome Soldier,

First of all, I would like to say, I think that what you and every other soldier is doing for our country is really awesome. I really respect what you guys are doing for us and I really, really appreciate it. I respect you guys for doing what you're doing for us because I know it takes a strong person to do what you're doing. So thank you.
Last month at the CMA awards Taylor Swift took home a lot of awards and I was really proud of her for that because I think she's a great singer. Plus, I think that what Kanye West did at the VMA's was a really crappy thing to do to her so I'm glad she got all she deserved at the CMAs. At the CMA's they even did a little "reenactment" of what happened and Kanye's part was played by a little tiny OLD man. It was extremely funny and really cute.
So, Obama's president... I'm sure you know that. I think he's okay. I don;t know yet though, we'll see. Also, I think Sarah Palin is hilariously stupid but I don't really like her that much.
I'd like to say Merry Christmas and happy holidays. I really hope that you will have a good holiday season and stay safe.
So, once again thank you very much. Stay safe.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I am extremely grateful for all of the people in my life right now. Especially my friends. They're great.
I'm grateful for my friends because they've been there for me throughout my high school career and have supported me in everything that I do. Even it is really "dorky" like they call it. They are some of the best people a person could ever ask for and I love them to death. My best friend's family is the best, I'm extremely grateful for them too because they treat me like another one of their kids and part of their family and I love them.
I'm grateful for my family too though because they've all been really supportive of me and are really excited for me to go to college. They're saying they'll do all kinds of things for me just because I'm the first one in the family going to college and I am extremely grateful for that.
I'm also grateful to be living in America because I would most definitely not want to be living somewhere else.
I'm grateful for all the things that I have and everything that I'll ever get in the future.
I'm also thankful for al the cool technology. It's cool.